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Historical Carbon Emissions, What Can We Do About It?

Writer's picture: Kely JimenezKely Jimenez

Carbon emissions are the primary cause of global climate change. They are created by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and produce goods or using cars that burn gas. Industrial activity has created a heavy reliance on burning fossil fuels and as demand has grown, so too has the production of pollution that causes major environmental harm. Deforestation also contributes to the release of carbon dioxide, as trees are a major natural resource for filtering and sequestering carbon from the atmosphere. In addition, plowing land for agricultural purposes releases stored CO2 when soil microorganisms are disturbed. The extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps more heat than it should, causing temperatures to rise around the world and leading to unpredictable weather patterns.

But then, what are historic carbon emissions?

Historic carbon emissions refer to the carbon-based pollutants that have been released into the atmosphere by human activities spanning centuries. For example, burning of fossil fuels like coal and natural gas dates back to the industrial revolution and continues today in transportation and electricity production. Additionally, certain land-use changes, such as deforestation and intensive agriculture, have led to increased carbon emissions since pre-industrial times. This long history of emissions has caused the concentration of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere to increase dramatically, leading to global climate change. As we look towards mitigating climate change, it is important to understand the extent of our atmospheric pollution resulting from historic emissions and be aware of where it has come from.

In recent years, digital business has skyrocketed in both popularity and usage. While there are many benefits to the digital world, it has made a huge environmental impact since it requires energy to power servers, computer equipment and other infrastructure components. Many businesses and organizations are actively looking for innovative ways to reduce their carbon emissions and create eco-friendly digital solutions that still allow them to benefit from the advantages of going digital.

Carbon emissions in digital business

The rise of digital business over the past few years has been exponential and impressive, but it can also have some unfortunate environmental consequences. Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular, which means more carbon emissions due to increased transportation. Not only that, but digital businesses also use a remarkable amount of energy as they require servers, data centers and other computing equipment to operate. Furthermore, when people upgrade computers and other devices more frequently due to the increased demand for better technology, there are also significant impacts on our environment due to the waste generated from all these discarded products. While the potential for digital businesses to reduce waste in certain aspects must not be overlooked, it is important to be cognizant of their environmental impact in order to create a more sustainable future.

For that reason, compensating for historic carbon emissions can be a viable solution for dealing with climate change. Compensation does not erase the damage that has already been done, but it could be a substantial step to repair some of the resulting losses from that past activity. This strategy seeks to offset historical contributions to global warming by addressing their effects mainly on local communities and ecosystems. Such projects might involve planting trees to sequester carbon, investing in renewable energy sources, or restoring local wetlands to increase biodiversity and function as natural carbon sinks. While these measures are not substitutes for reducing emissions in the present and future, they can still make a positive difference in the amount of CO2 that is presently being released into the atmosphere.

In that way Microsoft is staying on the leading edge of carbon neutrality by committing to offsetting all of their historical emissions since 1975. By 2030 they aspire to offset more emissions than they produce, while by 2050 they hope to offset all historical emissions. This demonstrates Microsoft's ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability, a value they have held since their founding. Their decision to go above and beyond in dedicating resources to offsetting these past emissions is a major milestone in the effort to reduce global climate change. As other major companies move towards similar goals, Microsoft will remain ahead of the curve for years to come, further setting an example for businesses everywhere.

In conclusion, it’s evident that addressing historical emissions is a crucial step in combating climate change. Organizations need to take certain steps to net-zero their carbon emissions—which should be the goal of all businesses and governments worldwide. To fully achieve this, everyone needs to contribute and adopt green practices, such as investing in renewable energy sources and following regulations related to pollution control. By properly quantifying the amount of carbon emitted from its operations throughout history, an organization can evaluate the effects it has had on the environment and look for ways to rectify them. It will not just improve its environmental performance, but also show society that it takes responsibility for its activities. Overall, organizations must take measures today to mitigate any effect resulting from historical emissions or other activities that release CO2. Now more than ever is a time for us to rise together and be proactive about making sure our future generations can enjoy a healthy planet.

Want to know your businesses' carbon footprint? Click here to calculate your emissions

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