Papua New Guinea is home to some 5% of the world’s biodiversity, and its rainforests are havens to massive varieties of flora and fauna. Industrial timber operations in its rainforests destroy essential habitat for many species and further threatens carbon reduction initiatives.
NIHT uses revenue from Carbon Credits to conserve endangered tropical rainforests in Papua New Guinea and generate historical economic growth and social transformation for its people. The project will offset over 55 million tonnes of CO2 by eliminating industrial timber harvesting over the next 30 years.
NIHT currently has protected over 815,000 acres of rainforest saved in Papua New Guinea. Additionally, the NIHT Topaiyo Grouped REDD+ Verra validated Project has a rainforest area of over 6,177,000 acres encompassing the New Ireland Province and East New Britain Province. These high carbon storage regions are under severe conversion and degradation threats from logging.
These accomplishments mark only the starting point of the opportunities available in Papua New Guinea to protect the rainforest, conserve local biodiversity, and empower the traditional landowners and stewards of these rainforests through carbon credit production.
Affiliated Since : May 2022
Lifetime credits acquired : 40,000
Lifetime credits sold : 0
Current credit inventory : 0
Credits under contracts are carbon credits already bought by MintZero but they have not yet been delivered
Credits under contract : 40,000
*As of January 19, 2023